Niu is an art space located in the Poble Nou, district of Barcelona. Niu produces, displays and spreads audiovisual and multimedia creation, multi-platform art and independent contemporary music. Niu activities are based on the following CONCEPTS:
EXHIBITION SPACE: Multipurpose room in Poble Nou (district of Barcelona) where exhibitions, musical events, Audiovisual and workshops take place.
EVENTS MANAGEMENT: Niu organizes regular art activities outside their own space: cycles, conferences, festivals, exhibitions, ….
ARTISTS AGENCY: Niu offers counseling services and art management for companies, institutions and festivals. The constant contact with all kinds of cutting edge creators and artists avant allows us to offer high quality artistic content.
SERVICES FOR ARTIST: Niu offers artists several low cost & high quality services in areas such as: working spaces and testing, web hosting and hiring domain; high quality and low cost printing services, accounting consultancy, press office and communications.
TRAINING: They regularly organize training workshops for students and professionals focused on various aspects of the visual, musical and graphics contemporary creation.
Almogàvers, 208
Barcelona, Spain
Niu: Espai Artístic Contemporani