Karlsruhe, Germany – June 19, 2015 / April 17, 2016 – GLOBALE – The New Art Event in the Digital Age.
An actual cloud in the ZKM museum? An uprooted house suspended by a crane in Karlsruhe city center? This was just the beginning! Spectacular installations, innovative works of art at the interface of natural science, performances, concerts, lectures and conferences – come and experience 300 days of GLOBALE – The New Art Event in the Digital Age.
How do data determine our daily lives? How are they controlled and misused? Have a look into the »Infosphere« and learn about your own use – and the use of others – dealing with your data in »GLOBAL CONTROL AND CENSORSHIP«. A dress from bacteria? A yogurt made from human enzymes? A plastic-digesting organism in the ocean? Experience a way in which art and science complement one another in the »Exo-Evolution« and, with new tools, transform things into a reality that one had previously thought as impossible.
From June 19, 2015 till April 17, 2016, the ZKM offers exhibitions and events on central twenty-first century themes: globalization and digitalization. The new art format thematizes their effects and shows the decisive tendencies of the twenty-first century by way of the most recent art productions that go beyond the art market.
Der Festivalsommer geht zu Ende . . . from ZKM | Karlsruhe on Vimeo.
How do data determine our daily lives? How are they controlled and misused? Have a look into the »Infosphere« and learn about your own use – and the use of others – dealing with your data in »GLOBAL CONTROL AND CENSORSHIP«. A dress from bacteria? A yogurt made from human enzymes? A plastic-digesting organism in the ocean? Experience a way in which art and science complement one another in the »Exo-Evolution« and, with new tools, transform things into a reality that one had previously thought as impossible.
Marc Lee, »10.000 Moving Cities«, »Infosphere«
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