DEADLINE: 15/07/2020
We love to discover and share juicy opportunities for audiovisual artists such as this open call promoted by Photon Foundation in Krakow.
Their hybrid solution is an effective response to the uncertainty of our current situation and a great compromise. We are sure audiovisual artists worldwide will massively appreciate their effort!
Photon Foundation is pulling off a great home edition this year. The organizers of Patchlab Festival are giving the chance to three selected artists to create a 360 second long rendered audiovisual projects, specifically designed for the projection system at the Gallery 360°.
The audiovisual installation will be recorded and publicly presented online as the culmination of the residence. Later on, when audiovisual events will kick back on the projects will be actually presented in the 360° Gallery with participation of the audience.

The 360° Gallery features a mind-boggling set up with 10 projectors displaying images with 16910×1080 pixels resolution. That opens up immense creative opportunities to generate a fully immersive environment.
During the 31-day #home edition residence, between 15/09/2020 – 18/10/2020, the selected audiovisual artists (or artistic groups) are going to work in their home or studio on their own audiovisual project.
The selected artists will have remote contact with the organizational and technical team and co-residents, as well as the possibility of conducting 2 remote attempts to display the work on the projection system in the 360° Gallery in order to check the accuracy and allow for possible corrections.
The following criteria will be taken into account in the selection of the winning projects:
- artistic values of the concept (e.g. originality, ingenuity)
- consistency and accuracy in preparing the project concept
- project feasibility according to the technical specification of the 360° Gallery projection system
- artistic portfolio