DEADLINE: 5 September 2020
bb15 launches the open call: Art + Magic for all audiovisual artist.
The contemporary art venue in Linz opens up its doors to an artist residency resulting in an exhibition or live event.
The open call aims at exploring the primordial relationship between art making and the concept of magic, especially related to the use of new technologies to inspire mystery and wonder.

Artistic gestures and processes can be seen as magical rituals, from which the myth of the artist has emerged over time. The aura of the artwork is used to cast a spell on its viewer!
In the art scene in particular, mysticism around art-making is kept alive by common rituals such as exhibitions, vernissages, and performative events, which propose collective shared experiences of something bigger.
For this open call, bb15 is seeking original project proposals that trigger mental associations and subliminal experiences at the junction of art, ritual and magic.
The residency program focuses on and explores the interplay between contemporary visual art and auditory practices, in relation to the theme of art+magic. The call doesn’t exclude any artistic media.

Teresa Cos: Tunnel Boring Machine
During the residency at bb15, the selected artists will be expected to push forward and bring further their proposal into a work that will be presented to the public at the end of the residency.
It is highly desirable that the invited artists create specific and new works during their stay.
– Duration: 2-3 weeks
– Possible periods: Spring 2021 or Autumn 2021
– There is a € 1200 all-in budget per artist in residence. This amount should cover all costs such as travel, equipment, production costs, daily expenses, and artist fees. Artists will be provided with free accommodation and workplace at the premises of bb15.
– The residency entails the realization of an exhibition or performative event at bb15.
– bb15 will provide technical and curatorial support as well as the promotion of the exhibition.