mammasONica is an Italian audiovisual studio featuring a distinctive trans-media narrative.
Their artwork range from audiovisual performances and new media theatre to design, interactive installations and projection mapping.
mammasONica approach to audiovisual reveals a fond social aesthetic and a strong relationship with the public space.

Their most recognized works are undoubtedly their large scale mapping projections.
mammasONica have projected onto prestigious locations such as European Parliament in Strasburg, the Atrium in Weimar, the Palace of Parliament in Bucarest, the Romisch-Germanisches Museum in Cologne, the Lancaster Caste in Lancashire.
The Italian collective has won several art awards during their busy career. In 2014 and 2015 they won the Genius Loci Weimar Competition with their TRA-DIGITAL Projection mapping onto the Anna Amalia Bibliothek and Zoetropolis on the Weimar Atrium.
mammasONica design complex AV storytelling experiences that require more than a simple look to be fully appreciated.

They are technically outstanding and conceptually advanced, leaving the viewer with thoughts and feelings that lingers way after the performance.
Their AV artwork is too dense and utterly complex to be described from a single perspective. To better grasp their meaningful aesthetic I have picked a few works sent to me by the collective:
This massive 400m projection mappings has been developed for the Gauforum in Weimar in the frame of the Genius Loci Weimar festival.
The building is a symbol of the dystopian Nazi society. The painful human odyssey has been brilliantly transposed by the creative studio, within a dark and unsettling storytelling.
As many other works of the collective, it incorporates a clever fusion of different techniques such as 3D Animation and Stop-Motion.
A superb immersive audiovisual work, triggering historical reflection through a mesmerizing visual impact.
Very different from the dystopian storytelling of Zoetropolis, ‘KHOR features a beautifully crafted representation of the natural elements.
The main protagonist of this abstract storytelling is the ever-flowing energy that animates the static structure Palace of Parliament in Romania.
Matter and antimatter, light and darkness, hyperbolic fractals and invisible quantic forces. The space boundaries are fragmented leaving the spectators dumbfounded and lost in this constant flow of light.
A very playful light installation engaging with audience of all age. An irrefutable prove of how versatile mammasONica are. And how diverse is their audiovisual narrative.
The light shapes reinvent the urban fabric by engaging with the passer-by and dematerialising the space of predesignated trajectories.
They are placed within the urban fabric to open a dialogue with the public; like a metaphor, where our relationships are filtered through perception and construction.