Jena, May 13 – 16 2020 – EDITION IN STREAMING
The FullDome Festival is the oldest and only fulldome festival with an unbroken continuity. With about 800 contributions from 30 nations and more than 500 visitors per year, the audiovisual event is most probably the biggest international festival of its kind.
Visitors do not only see and evaluate a great variety of international fulldome films, they meet professional, student and independent producers and take part in paper sessions, workshops, diverse presentations and expert talks. Festival curators, an international jury and the festival directors evaluate the submitted works and select the most interesting and innovative productions for the festival from these submissions and determine the works for one of the festival’s awards.
A core mission of the FullDome Festival has always been to encourage students to stretch the envelope of what’s possible in the dome. It is amazing to see completely new approaches to the medium at each festival. Many are really creative, some even can compete with professional works. For most students, the FullDome Festival not only offers an introduction to the medium, it is often the only way to present, and is one of the few public venues.